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Contemporary Brazilian poetry
Publishing House Multifoco, 2015
ISBN 978-85-8473-235-72015
An intolerable book in the most subtle of everyday events. That exudes a love that evaporates with each attempt. There is an obsession with searching, closing these experiences. Feel invited and captured to experience these daily traumas that, in the tenacity of what is proposed in the image of contemporary man, everything seems to be nothing more than a sentimental frame involved in a great illusion.
Contemporary Brazilian Literature
Publishing House: Scortecci, 2012
ISBN 978-85-366-2547-8
In different worlds, the character JJ fragments his experience in three metropolises - São Paulo, London and New York. With each experience, discover an introspective, deep and sensitive universe. One plays in troubled relationships and full of doubts, leading to enjoy a remarkable period and registering a trace of his personality - a rare and eccentric sincerity that almost always results in frustrations.
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